Include Link Building in Your Content Strategy


Include Link Building in Your Content Strategy

Content creation and link building are two cornerstones of expanding a modern business. It is beneficial for you to focus on both to have an effective SEO strategy! This task is much easier if you integrate the two.

Consider the compounded value that you will get from effective content creation that also brings you additional high-quality backlinks. While having valuable content on your website is an absolute must, you also want to reach as many people as possible. Neither strategy is effective without the other. With that in mind, let’s explore how to include link building into your content creation strategy.

Ways to Include Link Building into Your Content Creation Strategy

Link building is a difficult and sometimes expensive task. However, it can be worth it—backlinks are like leaving a good review for your favorite restaurant. The more backlinks a website has, the more you can trust that it’s a good source. You want to have as many viable backlinks as possible, but only links that lead to other high-quality websites.

Since link building and content creation are crucial to growth, it is important to include link building into your content creation strategy.

1. Create an Infographic with an Embedded Link

One option to include link building with your content creation is creating an infographic. Once you’ve made the infographic, embed a link to your website within the infographic. Share it on social media or reach out to other websites that you think would benefit from the infographic. Hopefully, they will share it, giving you a valuable backlink.

It is important to remember that consumers will only share infographics if they bring value. It should be unique, contain accurate and helpful information, and be aesthetically pleasing. Make sure the article’s content is supported by the infographic as well.

2. Be Strategic with the Content You Create

While this may seem obvious, it is often overlooked. It is important to know what competitors are doing that makes them successful. Dig deep and find out where your competition is sourcing their backlinks from. Find content that they have created that has been successful, then apply what is called the skyscraper method.

The skyscraper method:

  1. Target a high-ranking piece of content on a competing website
  2. Locate backlinks for you to target as well
  3. Recreate the content, but enhance it. Add videos, infographics, or additional research
  4. Contact the web admins you targeted for backlinks. Offer them the high-quality piece of content you have created as an alternative to their current offerings

Remember that to include link building into your content creation strategy; your content must be high quality. 

3. Collaborate with Others

Using your connections is a great way to build your content while also improving your network of like-minded businesses.

Organize an Expert Roundup

Expert roundups can be a great way to include link building into your content creation. An expert roundup is when industry experts answer questions and give advice and feedback. Then, comments from the experts are organized and posted on your website, either via an article or a video. The reason that this approach helps is twofold:

  1. Advice and tips from industry experts on your site are valuable for consumers and increase your authority and credibility.
  2. It helps you build relationships with credible people/companies who may be willing to work with you in the future.

Ask experts to share links to the expert roundup on your website—this will increase traffic and future backlinks to your site. Be selective when choosing your panel of experts and pick professionals whose opinions you trust and are comfortable being associated with. Participating in an expert roundup as an expert can also help with link building.

Incorporate a High-Quality Influencer

Social media influencers have posts seen by thousands (or more!) of people daily. Consider incorporating a social media influencer into your content creation strategy.

With the ideal influencer who is associated with your brand, you can approach this in several ways, consider:

  • An interview, either over video or written up as an article
  • A collaboration on a post
  • Links to the social media profiles of the influencer

Welcome or Write a Guest Post

Writing a post as a guest for another company or having a guest post on your website is another great way to include link building into your content creation. A guest will share about their network and yours, giving you backlinks in the process. The benefits include:

  • Increased outreach
  • Raised business profile
  • New quality content

It is important to be strategic, however. When considering a guest post, you do not want someone in direct competition with you. Instead, try to find a partner with a business that complements yours. 

Final Thoughts

While a business owner can use a cornucopia of different approaches, any of the above strategies can help you include link building into your content creation strategy. They will help you create valuable relationships with other people, attract consumers to your website, and increase your reputation through backlinks.